IDA 5.1

Intelligent Document Processing

What’s new?

WhAt’s IDA?

IDA – Intelligent Document Analysis

IDA is the ultimate solution to all your document capture and processing woes! Whether you’re dealing with structured or unstructured documents, handwritten or machine printed texts. IDA has got you covered.

Icon IDA Recognition
  • 99 % machine printed

  • 95 % handwritten
Icon IDA Classification
  • 94 % accuracy

  • individually trainable

Icon IDA Extraction
  • 1-5 sample documents

  • individually trainable

Want to learn more about IDA?

What’s new?

Icon Document Split

Feature Spotlight:

Document Split

Icon Trainable AI Assistant

Significant Improvements:

Data Extraction & User Experience

Document Split

Icon Document Split
Web Control DocSplit Module

Scanning large document batches can be tough, especially with long PDFs containing over 100 forms in a row. Our new document splitting feature uses a neural net to detect the start and end of multi-page documents or split them based on a fixed number of pages, reducing manual effort. The split documents can then be directed for downstream processing.

Icon Trainable AI Assistant

Model Training Improvements

Training with the Extraction Assistant (ExA) is now accelerated by automatic pre-training and the ability to define extraction values “live” on the first document. To make things easier, ExA allows you to use existing AcroFields as extraction values to simplify the data labeling process.

ExA Sample Value Definition

What Else?

Entity Finder Module

In some cases, users need to determine at a glance if a document contains a certain word or number. That’s where our new Entity Finder module comes in, highlighting words in PDFs and JSONs based on a pre-set dictionary or plain text file.

Web client overhaul

Lastly, IDA 5.1 includes a significant overhaul for the Web Client, our workflow demonstration tool. You can now select modules from your active workflow for sample processing.

What’s Next?

Our team of experts is available to answer all of your questions regarding deployment, security, and more. Don’t waste any time and automate your document recognition and processing with IDA 5.1.

Icon FAQ
Icon Handwriting Recognition
OCR Improvement

You can look forward to a new text finder that will further enhance our document capture capabilitites.

Feature Enhancement: Extraction

IDA 5.x will focus on pushing data extraction capabilities like table extraction and unstructured data extraction to the next level.

Icon IDA Extraction