

Patented AI Technology

Patented AI Technology

The PerceptionMatrix (US patent #15/128, 150) provides the IDA Software Suite with a substantial competitive edge over traditional IDP vendors in terms of capturing, data extraction, and understanding of documents, emails, etc.

AI Technology – How it works

Unlike conventional methods for generating a transcription (OCR engines), PLANET AI’s technology processes the input sequentially.


Deep understanding of text

The output of the PerceptionMatrix is an abstract metadata format, providing a superior solution compared to traditional OCR techniques.

  • Language-independent

  • Basis for subsequent processing

  • Essential patented process irreplacable by alternatives

Excelling where other cognitive systems fail

The main benefit of this approach stands out, especially when it’s used on unclear inputs like low-quality scans or handwritten notes. Usually, traditional OCR (Optical Character Recognition) techniques that stick to precise transcriptions can cause a lot of information to be missed. This makes the next steps harder and often requires extra work to check and fix errors.

PLANET AI’s technology offers a solution to this issue. It creates the PerceptionMatrix without relying on any specific language, allowing it to be added to PDFs or moved into databases. This special technology gives PLANET AI a big advantage, resulting in high-quality data capture, extraction, and understanding.

Winner of multiple AI awards

Most Innovative AI Technology
Most Innovative AI Technology

CorporateLiveWire 2020

Baseline Detection
Baseline Detection Auszeichnung

ICDAR 2019

Information Extraction
(Hist. Handwritten Records)
Information Extraction in Historical Handwritten Records Auszeichnung

ICDAR 2017